Monday, December 6, 2010

Prison Follow Up

I get sad when I don't think people are reading my posts. I really want you to take a couple minutes, watch the video from the last post.

Saturday I spent the day volunteering with Forgiven Ministry. We put on what they call a "One Day With God" camp (ODWG). OWDG is a special event for incarcerated fathers and their children to spend a day long visit together. Here is an article from the Muskegon Chronicle that summarizes the day (photos, too). After you read the article (oh I hope you do), read my thoughts on my experience.

I didn't actually go to the prison. My assignment was to stay at the church and help put on the program for the caregivers. I was faced with a different reality that day. Their reality. The reality of raising children without a father, and having prison be a part of their everyday life. Gosh, I just don't how to communicate to you what I saw. Who I saw. But I really want you to know. I met Ti, a mother of 2 teenagers. Their father has been incarcerated for 12 years. She's done so well. Her words as she cries, "We've never been hungry, never been homeless". Ti said the reason she brought her kids to the ODWG camp was to show them that they weren't the only ones dealing with this kind of life. It is unimaginable to me. Saturday I caught just the tiniest glimpse of the unimaginable. But today I'm relaxing on the couch at home, blogging with a sleeping cat on either side of me, all while my husband is soundly, safely, freely asleep upstairs. Saturday I spent the majority of the day in room surrounded by women whose lives have been broken, torn apart. Women who have to make a way for themselves and their children all while their husbands, boyfriends are, perhaps not so soundly, asleep behind the bars of Earnest Brooks Correctional Facility...for 2 more months, for 15 years, for life.

I am amazed that ODWG camps exist. You want to bring children onto prison grounds and let them physically interact with their inmate fathers all day? Great, no problem. Are you kidding me? But it's real. Forgiven Ministry has been in over 30 prisons in the US this year. The hope is that it will plant forgiveness, blossom healing and break the cycle of crime.

I expect my thoughts will linger on this topic for a bit. I'll keep you updated. Thanks for reading, Rachel

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I Went to Prison Saturday

This is what I did Saturday. Please watch the video.

Before I can share my experience and my thoughts with you, I need at least another day to process. Enjoy the video. Blog to you soon, Rachel

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today has been great. I made delicious food and ate it all. More importantly, our friend Sarah came to stay for a couple days. She rolls like Jeff and I roll; wine, food and television. Sarah introduced us to a hilarious show called Better Off Ted. I am watching it as I type, which explains the ADD nature of this blog.

Sarah brought delicious, so delicious pumpkin pie from Robaire's Bakery in Mt. Pleasant. I whipped up a batch of whipped topping (ha ha) and let Hermione lick the beaters. He looked so cute with cream on his lips. Had I not been holding the beaters I would have taken a picture.

Hope you are well and are thankful, Rachel

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Quick Note Before Bed

This evening I've returned from another of what has become my weekly trips to Northville. What a treat. It all started in October? Yes, October. Kayte was 8 mos pregnant with #3 and so started seeing the doctor with more frequency. One day Kayte mentioned Chris coming home from work to watch #1 and #2 while Kayte was at the doctor. So I thought, "Why don't I come down to watch the kids. Then Kayte and I can hang out afterward". So it began. I started coming every other week, then once a week. Although I do despise driving, my time with #1 and #2 and Kayte more than made up for it. I am so grateful for that time with them. I got to know #1 and #2 better (ie which side of the blankey goes at the top for nap time, #2 is just like his mama in that he needs a bit of time to wake up after sleeping, #1 is fashion savvy- on her own initiative she told me my shoes were very pretty and the flowers in my hair were so nice) and learned how to value them and communicate with them. It was a special time for me to be with Kayte while she was pregnant. That may sound silly, but I haven't spent much time with a pregnant Kayte. With #1 and #2, we lived in different states 2o + hours apart.
The reason for today's visit was #3's 6 week check up (He's doing great, by the way). Before leaving for home, Kayte said that she'd like me come over again, maybe in 2 weeks. But this time we'd just hang out. Let me be clear, I've really enjoyed my time watching the kids, but her personal invitation for hang out time made me feel great.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Saying Goodbye to Faithful Friends

Today I unpacked a box which held our stoneware dishes and silver utensils. Into that empty box I packed the plastic plates and bowls that we've used everyday for the past 4 months. They served us well. Very well. I really do feel sentimental about the new contents of that box; 4 plastic plates, 4 plastic bowls, 1 plastic mixing bowl and 4 each of spoons, forks and knives, for which I paid less than $7 in total. It reminds me of how far we've come and of how well the Lord has provided for us. Goodbye, friends. I am truly grateful for your presence and facility during the beginning months of our journey into Holland.

Monday, September 20, 2010

An Olio of Nonsense

I don't have anything particularly exciting to tell you and so I am not likely to blog. But I remind myself that this blog is not only for the exciting events in my life (though there are so many). It's for my whole life, and most of it is pretty regular. So here's an account of some regular things happening at the Palmer household.

We have morning glories growing in our gutters on the front of our house! I think this is pretty cool. They are purple. I'd like to harvest and replant them, does anyone have a ladder? Whose morning glories are these? Where did they come from? I have no other morning glories in my yard. To whomever planted these beauties in the first place, thanks for sharing!

Last week our computer died. Saturday we bought a new computer! It's seems gigantic compared to it's predecessor, a 10" Netbook. Our new computer is a 15" laptop. Huge, I know.

I like garden tools. I've never had a real need for any. I've borrowed here and there, but now we have a yard and a garden. How exciting! My list of recently acquired garden tools is as follows: leaf rake, garden hoe, trowel, garden hose, watering can. My list of desired garden tools is as follows: wheelbarrow, shovel, hedge trimmers, 1 1/2" loper (telescopic, preferably), Miracle-Gro hose attachment, weed whacker, lawn mower with bag, leaf tarp.

I finally got rid of the poison ivy in our front yard. I unknowingly encountered said poison during my first work day at our new house in June. That poison plagued me for over 2 weeks. Son of a...! That's stuff's no joke. We have a small rock wall in our front yard. The ivy was growing behind it, over it, through it, and all throughout a large bush in front of the wall. I have been afraid to tackle it. If you had seen my arms and legs (some of you did), you wouldn't blame me for my hesitation. Last weekend, armed with elbow length gloves, lopers, scissors and a bottle of some sort of poison ivy killing chemical, I destroyed the ivy and trimmed the bush through which it was growing! Tada! Victory over poison! A taste of your own poison, poison ivy! Moohaha! What's this? A pea sized spot on my arm? Drat!

Otherwise, the cats are happy and Jeff continues to impress me with his dedication to fixing our house. The kitchen plumbing was a success. He's on to wiring now.

Whether you hate this blog or enjoy it, even a little, let me know. I'd love to here from you. Rachel :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Jeff and I spent the holiday weekend in Mt. Pleasant. Pleasant, so pleasant. We drove over Saturday morning and spent the afternoon cleaning, sorting and packing. That evening we cleaned ourselves up and drove to Midland for an anniversary dinner at Molly's Bistro. While living in Mt. Pleasant, Molly's became one of our favorite places to eat. We ate our first meal as husband and wife at Molly's in 2008. So Saturday we returned for an early celebration of our 2 years of marriage. What we like about Molly's is it's unique entrees and live music during dinner. Molly used to sing in New York. Now she sings at the restaurant joined by a pianist, bassist (stand-up bass), and drummer. Sweet, mellow music. To be honest, Molly's voice makes me a little crazy, but it's the atmosphere, the way it makes me sway and tap my foot, that I love. We also like Molly's for it's slow pace. It isn't for everyone. Certainly not for those who come into the restaurant starving. I've learned to ration out the bread and oil so I don't eat it all in the first 5 minutes. Though we enjoy the pace now, by the end of our very first meal there we just about fell asleep at the table. I'm serious. It was our wedding day and we didn't realize how tired we were. We began the meal energetic and chatty. Before the end, we were both slouching, hunched over the table and not saying a word to each other.
Sunday we went to church at MPCC. There we were able to reconnect with a number of people we used to spend time with. After church we had the pleasure of sharing a meal with Fred, Janis and Zack Taylor. Janis had the brilliant idea of going to Stan's! I had the french toast. I ate all 6 pieces and the sausage links. And some of Zack's bacon. Yum. We chatted and chatted with Taylors for a couple of hours. Sigh, so so good. I miss them terribly.
After lunch Jeff and I bought a paper and took a nap. That's what we do on Sundays.
After nap time, Jeff resumed sorting and packing. I proceeded to book our social calendar for the evening. We were able to spend time with Sarah and Andrea and finished our evening around a campfire with Phil and Bethany. Do you know what I loved so much about this day? And I did love it so much. I loved it because it was just like any other day in Mt. Pleasant. Surrounded by people we know. Just a couple miles, blocks in one case, from our dear friends. Love at our fingertips.
Monday morning Holly made us breakfast. A perfect morning full of friends, love, yummy food, coffee, words and hugs.
Oh, dear God, thank you for Mt. Pleasant.